Jul 19, 2009

Sunday Bulletin Notes, July 19, 2009

The Lord's Day - Sunday, July 19, 2009

Pastor's sermon this morning, "We Preach Christ Crucified"
was taken from I Corinthians 1:1-23
To hear this morning's sermon, go to http://www.gracebiblesouthgate.org/
and click on Listen to Recent Sermons

'Children Can Leave A Hand Print on Your Heart'
Thank you for taking an opportunity to get involved in the lives of our children and considering them important enough to take one of them as a mission of special prayer for the next year. Please be watching future church bulletins for information regarding the distribution of the prayer cards which has the picture and name of the child you'll be praying for.

Thank you for VBS Outreach Support
We are grateful for recent donations that were specially marked for Vacation Bible School expenses. One gracious donor will supply all the snacks needed for the entire week of VBS; and others have provided cash gifts and / or supplies. May the Lord bless each of you for your support. Also, thanks to the many busy bees who came to distribute VBS flyers to about 600 homes this past week!

Update - Irene Stewart:
We are saddened to learn from Irene's daughter Joyce that Irene is now in failing health. Joyce recently stopped by the church office to express the family's appreciation for our prayers on their behalf and to make a donation from the Stewart family to the church a number of Bibles and study books that Irene had once used.

We are missing YOU!
We still have a few folks who haven't turned in an information sheet for the new church directory. If this could be you, please fill out a blue form and place it in the church office. If you're attending Grace we would like to have you included in our circle of friends and family. Also, if you've not have your photo taken for the directory, please see Clyde or Louise Moore to have your picture taken. Thank you.

Monday - Friday, July 20 - 24
6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Crocodile Dock Vacation Bible School

Next Sunday, July 26 ....
No Sunday School classes
Vacation Bible School Finale Church Service
followed by our annual church picnic on church grounds

We want you to remember that our schedule is completely different next Sunday only. Sunday school classes have been cancelled due to the preparations for the final VBS service in the church auditorium
and preparations for the church picnic.

All VBS workers are asked to be in church next Sunday no later than 10:15 a.m.
(come earlier if possible).
The VBS service will begin at 10:45 and will be followed by a picnic
on the church grounds. All are welcome to attend.

Prayer Opportunities
Family of the week:
Mickie Davis

Missionary of the Month:
"New Tribes Mission
Dan & Laurie Fuller & Daughters

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