Nov 26, 2008

Operation Christmas Child, Pt. 2

On November 2, the Kids for the Lord class members presented Pastor Bill and Grace Bible church with a special offering. This money represented their offerings during most of 2008, and they wanted it to help with this year's Operation Christmas Child. Pastor Bill graciously received their gift and gave time for those who wanted to share what was on their hearts.

After service that morning, many of the congregation met in the lower level for lunch and then spent time carefully packing each box.

Nov 24, 2008

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving ... What better time to stop and give thanks for the goodness our God bestows on us. We're giving space for folks to do just that and hope that what has been written will be a blessing to all who read this blog. To add your thanks, please send an email to and it will be added.

"I'm so thankful that my brother Jim has been sober for more than three years now and is gainfully employed. In July he got his driver's license restored (restricted for now) but that has taken a BIG load off me, although I was more than willing to taxi him around. My prayer now is that he will come to the Lord. I always thought he would come to the Lord first and then stop drinking but I guess our Lord had other plans. Thanks for your prayers.
Sandy H."

"First of all for my savior and all He has done in my life. His word tells us He has a plan for our life, to do us good and not harm us. That's not to say that bad things will not happen to us, but that our Lord is always there to see us through and make something good come out of it. These past few weeks have been very stressful for us with our son Greg having to have his kidney removed and finding it was cancerous. But the Lord in his mercy saw to it that the cancer was contained in the kidney and he should be fine now. Through this our relationship with he and our daughter-in-law is much improved (PTL) and we have been able to see our grandson again. Even though this was a bad thing, good has come out of it just as the Lord promised. Another big thing I'm thankful for is my husband. As of Tuesday, Nov. 25, we will have been married 48 years. WOW, how did so many years pass so quickly. God knew what He was doing when He brought us together on a blind date almost 50 years ago. I could go on and on but will save it for another time.
God Bless each of you who read this and Happy Thanksgiving.

"This year the Connell's are especially thankful for the Lord bringing us to be a part of the Grace Bible Church family. Yes, we've been here over three years now, but we continue to delight in how our Lord binds our ties tighter and tighter. You are a joy and a delight to us. We are so proud of our congregation wherever we go, and brag about you (well, brag about what our God is doing in and through you) to all who will listen. The people we tell say we are blessed, too! We are so appreciative for all of those gifts God has given you that you put into service: encouraging, serving, helping, giving, and teaching.
Let us go forward boldly in the power of God to accomplish all He wants us to do!
Happy Thanksgiving from Pastor Bill, Nancy, James & Donny"

"As for Chris and me, we are truly blessed by the Lord bringing Sarah into our lives. With each passing day, week, month, and year both of us are amazed at the progress that she is making. We are also thankful that Sarah thoroughly enjoys people - whether at school, church, or at the grocery store - she is a "people person". And we are very thankful at all of those at Grace Bible who have extended themselves in making Sarah feel welcomed and loved.
Sam and Chris Plaza"

"We have everything to be thankful for, even the hard times are blessings waiting to be revealed and they help teach us to more fully trust the One who has redeemed us. I am thankful for my family and thankful God in His mercy has given me all these extra years to see my sons grow up and have children of their own. I am thankful for Clyde and his caring for me as he does. I am thankful for each day God gives me to wake once more here. I am thankful for the safety of our country and thankful for the men and women who have served and are serving in our military to keep us safe. I am thankful for Grace Bible Church and the teachers we have who teach the uncompromised Word of God. We are a blessed people and need to remind ourselves and others of the truth that our God reigns over all.
May your Thanksgiving be filled with God's wonder, grace and mercy.
Louise Moore"

"I really don't know where to begin. I'm thankful for my family, church family, and most of all for my Heavenly Father, and my Savior, Jesus Christ. Since my trip to the hospital last spring I've had to make adjustments, and it's hard for me to slow down and pace mself. But God is faithful and helping me to be patient which is a difficult job!! To one and all a Blessed Thanksgiving. Evelyn Farris"

Nov 11, 2008

Veteran's Day, 2008

Today we remember the men and women who have fought for our country over the years. Many have given their lives and many have been forgotten. It is a dangerous thing for one generation to forget what another has done to secure the freedoms we possess. May we take time not just today, but often through the years, to remember our service men and women. May we take time to thank them for what they've done and what they're doing to protect us. It is largely due to their sacrifices and the grace of Almighty God that we can rest safely in our beds at night. It is they who keep foreign tanks and missiles from entering our cities and streets. Many in this world don't have that luxury. If you're enjoying freedom today, thank a Veteran and thank the Lord for His mercy to us.

Below are photos of the men in our congregation who have served our country. Thank you for your faithfulness to our country and the blessing you all are to us today.

Huston James

Jerry Golden on the right, with friend Terry

Clyde V. Moore

Tom Gabbert

Tom Royal

Nov 4, 2008

Food for Thought

Some food for thought...

"The great of this world are those who simply loved God more than others did."

"We Christians must simplify our lives or lose untold treasures on earth and in eternity. Modern civilization is so complex as to make the devotional life but impossible. The need for solitude and quietness was never greater than it is today."

"We need never shout across the spaces to an absent God. He is nearer than our own soul, closer than our most secret thoughts."

"The interior journey of the soul from the wilds of sin into the enjoyed presence of God is beautiful. Ransomed men need no longer pause in fear to the Holy of Holies. God wills that we should push on into His presence and live our whole life there."

All quotes by A.W. Tozer

Nov 1, 2008

November at Grace

What our November Calendar looks like at Grace:

Nov. 2
Communion will be served during our Morning Worship Service

Immediately following our morning service, volunteers will meet in the lower level of the church for lunch. Then we'll fill all 50 shoe boxes for this year's Operation Christmas Child.

6:00 p.m. - Grace Discipleship Flock meeting - Please see Tom Gabbert for details.

Tuesday, Nov. 4 - Vote!

Wednesdays at 6:15
The Christian Worldview Bible Study with Kevin Godin
Prayer Time begins at 7:30

Tuesday, Nov. 11 - Elder's Meeting at 7:00 p.m.

Sunday, Nov. 16 - Gideon's Presentation during our Morning Service and our Fellowship Flock will meet at 6:00 p.m.

Sunday, Nov. 23 - Thanksgiving Service

Looking Ahead to December:

Friday, Dec. 5 - Downriver Community Prayer Breakfast

Dr. Don Bartlette, frequent speaker on Focus on The Family is guest speaker. Early sell-out means tickets must be ordered now. Cost is $15.00. Please notify Pastor Bill or Sandy Horning if you plan on attending.

Friday, Dec. 12 - Annual Grace Bible Church Christmas Dinner - Check the church bulletins for more information.

November Nursery Schedule

Toddler's Nursery Schedule

Nov. 2 - Nancy Connell

Nov. 9 - Kelly McKee

Nov. 16 - Harmony King

Nov. 23 - Karen Roelof

Nov. 30 - Beth Godin & Carol Farkas

Dec. 7 - Nancy Connell & Rachel Norman

Dec. 14 - Kelly McKee

Dec. 21 - Harmony King

Dec. 28 - Karen Roelof

Katie Hennig - Nov. 4
Bobby Norman - Nov. 6
James Connell - Nov. 7
Lisa Bolton - Nov. 8
Pastor Bill - Nov. 15
Harmony Solgot - Nov. 17
Jacque Sollars - Nov. 20
Charlotte Hunt - Nov. 21
Lynn Bolton - Nov. 23
Bobby Riddle - Nov. 24
Michael Hennig - Nov. 29

Kevin & Beth, Nov. 15
Clyde & Louise, Nov. 18
Bob & Camilla, Nov. 25
Jerry & Lana, Nov. 25
Rob & Diana, Nov. 28