Jul 5, 2009

Sunday Bulletin Notes, July 5, 2009

Pastor Bill's Sermon "Who Will Set Me Free" taken from Ephesians 2
can be heard by going to http://www.gracebiblesouthgate.org/. Click on 'Listen to recent sermons' and then today's message. It's a message we can listen to again and again and each time learn something new.

Children Can Leave A Handprint on Your Heart!
We are still in need of at least three more prayer partners. Don't miss the opportunity to be involved in the lives of our children. We ask that you prayerfully consider taking one of our children from Kids for the Lord as a mission of prayer for the next year. Please don't request a child that is related to you. Names & photos have been put on cards to make it easier for you to remember to pray for them. Once we reach the goal of one prayer partner for each child, we'll pass these cards out. A sign up sheet is located in the church foyer.
Thank you!

Downriver Cruise Outreach, 2009
Over seven hours last year we gave out about 200 bottles of water and Gospel tracts . This year the response was much stronger and we gave out 350 bottles of water almost as many tracts in about four hours. Please pray that the recipients read the message in the tracts and will turn to faith in Christ.

Wed., July 8 at 6:30 p.m.
Coffee & dessert fellowship; methodical study of the book of Ephesians with teacher Kevin Godin. Prayer meetings follows.
Dessert: ????

Tuesday, July 14 at 7:00 p.m.
Elder's Meeting

Wed., July 15 at 6:30 p.m.
Final V.B.S. training / preparation day

Monday-Friday, July 20-24, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
"Crocodile Dock" Vacation Bible School
To register as a worker or a participant, go to

Sunday, July 26
V.B.S. Finale Church Service begins at 10:45 a.m.
Church Picnic immediately following

Prayer Opportunities:
Family of the week
Everett & Jacque Sollars

Missionary of the Month:
New Tribes Mission
Dan & Laurie Fuller & Daughters

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