Apr 28, 2018

Sunday, April 29

Missionaries to Thailand
Dan & Laurie Fuller
in  Adult Sunday School at 9:45
and 10:45 Worship Service

After that, we'll be sharing a multiple choice lunch with
these precious folks at 12:15 pm.

Contact and other information on the Fullers is available at


We are happy to report that we have collected
over 105 pairs of used glasses
and/or new reading glasses for Dan & Laurie
to take back with them to Thailand.
Thank you for your contributions!

Thursday, May 3
1:30 - 3:30 pm and 6:00-8:00pm

The purpose of this yearly event is to focus prayer by believers on the nation itself. The “Seven Centers of Influence” of our nation which will receive prayer attention this year are: Government, Military, Media Arts, Business, Education, Church, and Family.

To respond to this year’s opportunity, we are scheduling two time periods at the church building for prayer. Each two-hour period will include prayer both for these “Centers of Influence” and for our church family.

You are welcome to come whichever hours you are available during these times.

We also recognize that some in our church family may have difficulty coming to the church building at all during these times. Because of that, if you would like to receive the printed material to assist with prayer which will be distributed at church, please make your request to Pastor Bill at wgfc@hotmail.com early in the week. Thank you.

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