Nov 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

~This from Bill Wilkins...
"I have memories of a lot of wonderful Thanksgiving family get-togethers, but the one that really stands out in my memory is one in the early eighties.  We were celebrating Thanksgiving with our daughter LuAnn and her family at their home in Plainwell, Michigan.  Our first grandchild, Jessica, was about four years old at the time.  When we were all gathered at the table for dinner, I said let's ask for the Lord's blessing on the food.  As we bowed our heads, little Jessica spoke up and said "Grandpa, couldn't we go around the table first and each say what we're most thankful for - I'll go first".  That's when I lost it."

~From Louise Moore ...

"To me, Thanksgiving should be a way of life, and not something we celebrate one day a year. Thanksgiving should be an attitude of the heart, not something we 'do' once a year.

As many of you know, I have chronic health issues and I can say that I am at peace with them for the very first time in my life. This is the path our Lord has chosen for me, who am I to question Him about the way that He knows is best for me?  I thank God for God! I thank Him that He knows far better than I the way I should take. I thank Him for His grace and His mercy that is new every morning. Does that astound you? It does me! HIS mercy ....  New! To us!! This morning!!! And it will be new tomorrow! What a wonderful Savior, what an awesome God we have the blessed honor to serve.

I thank God for my husband Clyde, for our sons David and Shawn and their families. Jane, Wendy, Jackie, Stephanie, Sydney, Perri and Erica. I thank God for my Mom and our brothers and sisters. I thank Him so very much for our Pastor and the Elders of our church, who look out for our well being as scripture tells them to. I thank God for my church family. They are faithful to pray for us when times are hard, and they are a joy to worship with on Sundays.

My everlasting thanks go to God for electing ME to be HIS child. "Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to the Cross I cling..." It is All of Him and nothing I have done that makes me His. I stand of awe of His great goodness.

May your Thanksgiving truly become a way of life for you and yours. 
Happy, Blessed Thanksgiving!"

~ From Kevin Godin ...
"When asked what we are thankful for our minds often turn toward blessings we can reach out and touch or see. We are thankful for wives and husbands, for homes and jobs, for food and clothing, and for family and friends. We may even be thankful for the love others have shown to us, for our churches, and for various circumstances in our lives.

These are all appropriate things to be thankful for, the Word of God tells us to give thanks in all things. The ultimate thing we must be thankful for, however, is Jesus Christ. It is only when we realize the He is the blessing of greatest value that we can remain thankful to God when all of the other comforts of life depart. It is only when Christ is an end rather than a means and every other blessing reflects His glory that we can truly be thankful to God not just because of what He does for us, but because we have Him.
I am therefore most thankful to God for God. For who He is. I am thankful that His love for me was so great that He overcame my sinful rejection of Him and joined me to Christ through faith so I might enjoy Him forever. The greatest gift that God ever gives is Himself and I am thankful that solely because of His great love and mercy I have Him!"


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