Aug 4, 2010

Sunday Bulletin, August 1, 2010

Communion Service with Elder Rob Roelofs

Sermon by Pastor Bill Connell:
"The Wheat and the Weeds"
Matthew 13:24-30 & 36-43

V.B.S. & Church Picnic Report

We are giving thanks to our Lord for a very busy and successful week of V.B.S. About 50 kids and adults were involved, and our emphasis was on God's Word. We are grateful to Lynn Bolton as Director, and for a great staff to support her. The picnic on Sunday was well attended, and greatly appreciated by all. Please pray that lessons learned will help us all to grow in Him. Let's go!


Welcome Visitors!

At Grace Bible Church, Bible is our middle name. Many people are not sure what a Bible Church is, but it is simply a group of people who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior from sin. We join together to read and study His Word, the Bible, and to honor Him with our songs, our service and our giving. We focus on doing what the Bible tells us to do.

Our congregation is always looking for more men and women, boys and girls, to join us. If you are looking for a church where are are perfect, and no one ever makes a mistake, this is not the church. However, if you are looking for a church home, where the pe0ple are not only moral, but kind, where the Bible is deeply appreciated for who it helps us to become, where we attempt to serve Jesus Christ, our Savior, as Lord, and where you would be welcomed, please give us consideration.

We are pleased you are here today, and pray God's very best for you and your family. Enjoy yourself!


Primary Election is This Tuesday

We encourage you to use your ballot on Tuesday to vote for believers in Jesus Christ, who are obedient to God's Word (when you can find them). Failing that, seek to vote for people who uphold Biblical principles in their decision-making.

A useful Internet resource can be, the official website of Right to Life of Michigan. They provide a personalized pro-life ballot there, organized by voting district.

Also, you can review information at, the website of Michigan Family Forum. This groups provides a non-partisan Voter's Guide, organized by county.


Regular Services at Grace Bible Church

* Every Sunday, 9:45 am
Sunday School for all ages with clear Bible teaching in the Fellowship Hall and classrooms - Danny Toma is currently teaching 1 Samuel in the adult class.

* Every Sunday, 10:45 am
-Kids for the Lord Children's Church, grades 1-6 downstairs
-Adult Worship Service in the main auditorium - current series:
The Parables taught by Pastor Bill
-Air conditioned nursery upstairs for the little ones

*Every Wednesday, 6:30-8:00
-Adult Bible Study, "Doctrines of Grace" a theological study taught by Kevin Godin, followed by Prayer Meeting, in the Fellowship Hall.

Special Activities at G.B.C.

* Tuesday, August 10, 7:00 pm - Elder Meeting

* Sunday, Sept. 5 - Communion Sunday

* Wednesday, Sept. 15, 6:30
Registration for TeamKIDz. Please direct any questions to Kelly McKee.

* Sunday, Sept. 16, 6:30 pm
Christian Worker Dedication Service

* Wednesday, Sept. 22, 10:45 am
TeamKIDz Program begins for grades 1-6, runs parallel to school year.


Prayer Opportunities

Family of the Week
Pastor & Nancy Connell & Family

Missionary of the Month
Frontline Fellowship
Bill & Harriet Bathman

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