Oct 21, 2008

"So many books, so little time"

In answer to an informal survey sent to the congregation of Grace Bible Church, the folks listed below are letting us know what books they're currently reading.

Sandy Horning:
A series of 5 books by Joel Rosenberg. They are:
"The Last Jihad", "The Last Days", "The Ezekial Option", "The Copper Scroll" and the best one of them all is the last one, "Dead Heat". I also read every book that Karen Kingsbury writes.

“He that loves a book will never want a faithful friend, a wholesome counselor, a cheerful companion, an effectual comforter. By study, by reading, by thinking, one may innocently divert and pleasantly entertain himself, as in all weathers, as in all fortunes.”
- Barrow

Sandy McGlassion: The book I am reading is "The Sacred Romance" by John Eldredge & Brent Curtis. GREAT BOOK!!

Sam Plaza:
Here are a couple that I am working on at the moment:
1. "The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression" (Amity Schlaes)
2. "Fleeced" (Dick Morris)

The smallest bookstore still contains more ideas of worth than have been presented in the entire history of television. ~Andrew Ross

Pastor Bill: "Anchored in Christ" by Norm Wakefield -- recommended for good theology. "The Spirit, the Church, and the World" by John Stott -- my favorite of the 10 or so books I am reading on Acts.

Nancy: "Fireproof" by Alex & Stephen Kendrick -- novel to accompany the movie, great for supporting marriage. "Sons of Encouragement" novellas by Francine Rivers: "The Priest" (Aaron) , "The Warrior" (Caleb), "The Prince" (Jonathan), "The Prophet "(Amos), "The Scribe: (Silas) -- historical novellas on men who lived in the shadows of great biblical leaders. All of Nancy's books are available to borrow. I still need mine.

Rob Roelofs: I am reading "The Science of God" by Gerald L.Schroeder. Lots of Physics, very interesting approach to reconciling Biblical creation with apparent scientific evidence. And Karen is reading "Christy" by Catherine Marshal. 19 year old school teacher in Smokey Mtns in 1912.

The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it. ~James Bryce

Louise Moore: I just finished reading "Bold Purpose" (Dan Allender & Tremper Longman II) and began reading "Sacred Romance" (thanks to Sandy McGlassion); I'm also re-reading "Don't Waste Your Life" (John Piper)

Camilla McKee: Two books I have read within the last six months that I would recommend:
"Miracles" by Terri Blackstock and "90 Minutes in Heaven" by Don Piper.

Betty James: I am presently reading "The Journey" by Billy Graham. I believe it is a book that would be especially helpful for new Christians because of its simplicity and how it covers all aspects of Christian living that we all should strive for.

For those interested in recent political history, David P. Schippers' book "Sell Out" is a recommended "must read" on my list.

I would highly recommend "Life at the Bottom" written by British psychiatrist, Dr. Theodore Dalrymple. This book has true-life vignettes revealing that long-term poverty is caused not by economics but by a dysfunctional set of values. All of the events take place in England.

Four of my favorite books this past year were........ "Gifted Hands" - "Think Big" - "The Big Picture" and "Take the Risk." These books were written by Dr. Ben Carson about his life. He is a Christian and world renowned brain surgeon. Incidentally, he is a graduate of Southwestern High School (Huston's old school) located in southwest Detroit. Very inspirational reading.

Evelyn Farris has just read and recommends the book "Can Martha Have A Mary Christmas? Untangling Expectations and Truly Experiencing Jesus" Author: Brenda Poinsett, Publisher: New Hope. The author doesn't take us on a guilt trip about buying gifts and/or continuing family traditions, but helps us find new ways to connect with the true meaning of Christmas. The Holiday rush needs not squeeze out Christ.

Let us know what you're reading and we'll add it to our blog.

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