Jul 10, 2008

The History of Grace Bible Church Southgate

The History of Grace Bible Church of Southgate, MI
Celebrating 25 Years 1983 - 2008

Grace Bible Church of Southgate, MI actually had its beginnings in another church in another community: the Grace Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Lincoln Park. That church was started in the mid 1940's, and had a vital ministry for some twenty-five years, until demographics of the Downriver Area began to change, bringing several years of decline. The church began to experience growth again in 1979, when Rev. Kenneth R. Mitchell became the pastor.

In 1981, the leadership and members of Grace Cumberland in Lincoln Park felt the proposed revisions to the Confession of Faith to be a significant departure from the historic orthodox and evangelical doctrine, which the Cumberland Presbyterian had always believed. Therefore, in August of that year, the members of the Lincoln Park group voted to withdraw their alliance from the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and become an independent church. Thus, Grace Bible Church came into existence, continuing to meet in the facilities of the former Grace Cumberland Church.

On February 10, 1983, a final agreement was reached with the denomination; and then, three days later, the congregation of Grace Bible Church had its final service in the building in Lincoln Park. They willingly gave up a building in which many of the people had invested much money, time and labor. They left that Sunday, February 13, 1983, not knowing where they were going to meet the following week. However, they left triumphantly that Sunday, trusting that God was leading them, and trusting that He would provide for their needs.

On February 16, they met in the homes of members Everett & Jacque Sollars for prayer. In the following weeks and months, the congregation of Grace Bible Church experienced the amazing faithfulness and provision of God as they had never seen before. Within one week, God provided the facilities of Peace Lutheran Church of Southgate to use on Sunday evenings for worship and fellowship. The City of Lincoln Park allowed the use of an elementary school for mid-week services and activities. And officer of the Michigan Bank offered offered space in the branch office on Dix Rd., in Lincoln Park for offices, and even had separate phone lines installed for church use. Moreover, all of these facilities were provided at no cost!

Later in the Spring of 1983, it was learned that the Southgate Community Church, located on Leroy Street at the corner of Devoe, was interested in selling its church building and property. It was a beautiful church building on over five acres of land.

The two churches began discussions, and the Southgate Community Church agreed to sell their building by land contract, with reasonable payments, to Grace Bible Church of the sum of $255,000. It was indeed another example of God's faithfulness to the congregation of Grace Bible Church and another example of answered prayer.

On September 13, 1983, the congregation of Grace Bible Church had its first service in their new facilities at 15700 Leroy St. Those seven months of "exile and wandering" were indeed times of great testing, but times of great learning and blessing as well. They were able to witness first-hand the faithfulness of God and the provision of God. They were able to see that God honors those who are faithful to Him. In addition, they were able to see even more clearly that the church is ultimately not a building, but the people of God.

The life of our congregation is built upon the Bible's teaching that we all are sinners, and that each of us needs a Savior. Jesus Christ came to die in our place, and then He proved that He was God by raising Himself from the dead! As a result, Jesus offers the gift of eternal life to all (see John 3:16), a gift that must be received to be possessed. Now, under the leadership of Rev. William Connell, Grace Bible Church continues to look forward to Reaching, Teaching, and Ministering to the needs of the community.

As Grace Bible Church celebrates its twenty-fifth anniversary this year, and despite the ups and downs of the past, we can look back with a sense of confidence that God indeed has had a place for this church in the community of Southgate. We can look back with confidence, knowing that while we may not have been the largest church in the Downriver Area, our congregation has been faithful to God to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to faithfully teach the Word of God.

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