Jul 2, 2012

Our Walk, Part 2

Walk in the light of the Lord, free from all darkness—Isaiah 2:5

Walk on the highway of holiness, as one who has been redeemed—Isaiah 35:8-9

Walk without fainting, renewed in the strength of the Lord—Isaiah 40:31

Walk victorious through testing, knowing God will bring you through—Isaiah 43:2

Walk in the old paths, in the ways established by the Lord—Jeremiah 6:16

Walk humbly, daily realizing how much you need Him—Micah 6:8

Walk in newness of life, free from sin and selfishness—Romans 6:4

Walk according to the Spirit, in righteousness, peace, and joy—Romans 8:1

Walk properly, as children of the day—Romans 13:13

Walk in the steps of faith, confident of the Lord’s promises—2 Corinthians 5:7

Walk in good works, according to the things God has prepared—Ephesians 2:10

Walk worthy of your calling, seeking God’s approval—Ephesians 4:1

Walk in love, knowing the heart of God toward others— Ephesians 5:2

Walk purposefully, having your wits about you—Ephesians 5:15

Walk to please God, seeking to hear His “well done.”—1 Thessalonians 4:1

Walk orderly, doing your work as unto the Lord—2 Thessalonians 3:11

Walk as Jesus walked, letting Him live His life through you—1 John 2:6

by Roy Lessin

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