Oct 18, 2009

Sunday Bulletin, Oct. 11, 2009

Wisdom has two parts...
Having a lot to say
Not saying it

Sermon by Pastor Bill
"Heart Trouble" 2 Samuel 24 & 1 Chronicles 21

Prayer Opportunities
Family of the Week
Linda Gosline

Missionary of the Month
Jody & Linda Dillow
Biblical Education through Extension

Looking for a few good hands...
We're still needing 1 or 2 more people to help in the kitchen on a 2-week rotation to provide snacks during our TeamKID program. If you can help, please contact Linda Sourbeck at 313-383-2438. Thank you.

Despite inclement weather for much of the hour, a group of us joined about 175 other people, standing along Fort Street in Southgate last Sunday afternoon, testifying to the simple truth that "Abortion Kills Children". It is sad that such a basic understanding of abortion is not so obvious in our culture that signage should be required. Pray for America.

Transcriptionist Needed
If you have a few hours to volunteer to transcribe an audio CD into a Word document, please contact Pastor Bill.

Regular Services at Grace Bible Church
Each Sunday at 9:45 am
*Sunday School for all ages in the Fellowship Hall & Classrooms
*Infant Nursery Upstairs

Each Sunday at 10:45 am
*Kids for the Lord Children's Church, Grades 1-6, Downstairs
*Adult Worship Service in the Sanctuary
*Infant Nursery Upstairs
*Toddlers & Preschoolers Downstairs

Each Tuesday at 9:30 am
*Ladies Bible Study in Fellowship Hall

Each Wednesday at 6:30 pm
*TeamKID for children in grades 1-6 in the Fellowship Hall
*Adult Bible Study and Prayer Time in the Sanctuary
*Infant Nursery Upstairs

Special Activities at G.B.C.
Today at 6:00 pm
Fellowship Flock meets to discuss The Sacred Romance book
by John Eldridge, with Pastor Bill facilitating, here in the Fellowship Hall

Tuesday, Oct. 20
Elders Meeting, 7:00 pm

Sunday, Oct. 25
Discipleship Flock meets at Bill &Artie Wilkin's
home to discuss the book of John, facilitated by Tom Gabbert

...What do we do with new believers? We need to take them to church with us, because the greatest danger a new believer faces after making a commitment to Christ is falling through the cracks and going back to their old friends and their old ways. They need a brother or sister in Christ, an Ananias or a Barnabas who will take them and say, "You are coming with me to church."
excerpt from Greg Laurie Daily Devotion, Willing To Be A Barnabas?

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