John Newton, Letters of John Newton, 1781
Welcome! Grace Bible Church is located at 15700 Leroy, Southgate, MI 48195, and we invite you to join us in Worship, Scriptural Bible teaching and fellowship. Our phone number is 734-282-0115 and Rev. Bill Connell is our Senior Pastor.
Mar 29, 2010
Something to think about
John Newton, Letters of John Newton, 1781
Mar 28, 2010
Sunday Bulletin, March 28, 2910
"The Parable of the Lost Sons, Part 2: The Religious Son"
Scripture: Luke 15:11-32
Many people think that the father in the famous Parable of the Prodigal Son had two very different sons; the one, a good for nothing, debauched loser of a younger son, and the other, a disciplined, supportive, and faithful older son.
In fact, rather than being two very different sons, they had two very different sins. Lad week, we rejoiced to see the younger son return home to the presence of his father, where Dad experienced unmitigated joy. Today, we look at the situation with the older son, and learn a very different lesson!
The Doctrines of Grace
At some point in our studies, all Christians must struggle with the concepts of God's perfect standard for our lives, and our relationship to Him as sinners. If salvation is by grace through faith alone, then what are we required to do, if anything? Why so some believe and others do not? What does the Bible mean when it speaks of election and predestination? How does the free will of humans relate to God's sovereign control and plan?
If you or someone you know is interested in, or struggling with these issues, we invite you to our Wednesday night class at 6:30 pm. Under the direction of Kevin Godin, we will examine each of the major Christian positions on these and related issues, dealing with the Grace of God in saving us, and we will evaluate each of them, based upon a study of the biblical passages used to support them.
Recognizing that these can be confusing and controversial topics to study, we will examine them at a pace that allows for questions and input from the class. We sincerely hope you'll join us and that you'll invite others to this time of study.
Regular Services at Grace Bible Church
*Every Sunday, 9:45 am:-Sunday School for all ages in the Fellowship Hall & Classrooms
*Every Sunday, 10:45 am:
-Kids for the Lord Children's Church, Grades 1-6, Downstairs
*Every Wednesday, 6:30-8:00 pm:-Team KIDz for grades 1-6 in the Fellowship Hall
Special Activities at G.B.C.
*Today, 9:45 am:
*Tonight, 6:00pm:
*Wednesday, March 24, 6:30 pm:
*Friday, April 2, 7:00 pm: Special Good Friday observation in the main auditorium
*Sunday, April 4 - Easter!
*Tuesday, April 20, 7:00 pm:
*Saturday, April 24:
Kids for the Lord
Prayer Opportunities
Family of the Week
Virginia Latimer
Missionary of the Month
Larry & Virginia Hubbard - New Beginnings Prison Ministry
Mar 27, 2010
Palm Sunday
The History of Palm Sunday
First known as the Pascha (Passover), the meaning of Palm Sunday can be understood by looking at the history of the Christian church. Palm Sunday originated in the Jerusalem Church, around the late fourth century. The ceremony consisted of prayers, hymns, and sermons recited by the clergy while the people moved among various holy sites throughout the city. At the last site, where Christ ascended into heaven, the clergy would read from the gospels concerning the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. In the early evening they would return to the city reciting: "Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord." The children would carry palm and olive branches as the people returned through the city to the church, where they would hold evening services.
By the fifth century, the Palm Sunday celebration had spread as far as Constantinople. Changes made in the sixth and seventh centuries resulted in two new Palm Sunday traditions - the ritual blessing of the palms, and a morning procession instead of an evening one. Adopted by the Western Church in the eighth century, the celebration received the name "Dominica in Palmis," or "Palm Sunday".
The Meaning of Palm Sunday
The significance of Jesus riding a donkey and having his way paved with palm branches is a fulfillment of a prophecy spoken by the prophet Zechariah (Zechariah 9:9). In biblical times, the regional custom called for kings and nobles arriving in procession to ride on the back of a donkey. The donkey was a symbol of peace; those who rode upon them proclaimed peaceful intentions. The laying of palm branches indicated that the king or dignitary was arriving in victory or triumph.
Palm Sunday in Modern Times
Written by: David Katski @ ShareFaith
Mar 23, 2010
Frontline Fellowship
We are looking forward to getting back up to speak this year with a number of missionary projects in mind. Frankly, we were glad to see the last of last year with all the down time in hospital and three surgeries in the past five months. But it was not all negative. When you're flat on your back there's only one way to look-and that's up!
We rejoiced to look to the Lord and He taught us many lessons during this period; among them: the vital importance of handing over the title deed of our lives to Jesus Christ. That day in July, when I was wheeled into surgery to have the lower left lobe of my lung removed due to lung cancer, I was ready and eager to meet the Lord. I really thought it was the end of my life here. There was no fear, just a wonderful anticipation and assurance of seeing Jesus, face to face and being with Him for all eternity. In His sovereign mercy (and I believe) in answer to your prayers the operation was a success and my life has been extended. I praise God and want to make the most of it.
So 2010 is now a new page. In fact it looks more like a new book. My ministry with Frontline Fellowship is sheer joy. I am able to mentor younger men for ministry, preach the Gospel wherever the Lord opens doors and free to write - which I long to do more of.
Meantime our colleague, Jeff Black, went last month to South Africa to participate in the Biblical Worldview Seminar and Great Commission Course conducted by Frontline Fellowship under the leadership of Dr. Peter Hammond. Jeff stayed on for a few weeks to become fully acquainted with the practical procedures that will be a vital part of his new ministry as Frontline's Director of Communications.
Please continue to pray for our 14-year old grandson, Christopher Hammond. The kidney transplant from his donor Mom was a success, but there have been post-operative problems to be dealt with and further procedures indicated. We'll keep you updated on our blog.
Harriet joins me in wishing you and all your family a very blessed 2010! We're looking forward to keeping in touch.
Yours in His grip,
Bill Bathman
(You can follow Bill's updates at:
Mar 21, 2010
Sunday Bulletin, March 21, 2010
The Doctrines of Grace
At some point in our studies, all Christians must struggle with the concepts of God's perfect standard for our lives, and our relationship to Him as sinners. If salvation is by grace through faith alone, then what are we required to do, if anything? Why so some believe and others do not? What does the Bible mean when it speaks of election and predestination? How does the free will of humans relate to God's sovereign control and plan?
If you or someone you know is interested in, or struggling with these issues, we invite you to our Wednesday night class beginning this Wednesday, March 24 at 6:30 pm. Under the direction of Kevin Godin, we will examine each of the major Christian positions on these and related issues, dealing with the Grace of God in saving us, and we will evaluate each of them, based upon a study of the biblical passages used to support them.
Recognizing that these can be confusing and controversial topics to study, we will examine them at a pace that allows for questions and input from the class. We sincerely hope you'll join us and that you'll invite others to this time of study.
*Every Sunday, 9:45 am:-Sunday School for all ages in the Fellowship Hall & Classrooms
*Every Sunday, 10:45 am:
-Infant Nursery Upstairs
-Toddlers & Pre Schoolers Downstairs
*Every Wednesday, 6:30-8:00 pm:
-Team KIDz for grades 1-6 in the Fellowship Hall
-Adult Bible Study & Prayer Meeting, in the Signs of Life Room Upstairs
-Infant Nursery Upstairs
*Wednesday, March 24, 6:30 pm:
New Bible Study begins, "The Doctrines of Grace" with teacher Kevin Godin. Held in the Signs of Life Room.
*Sunday, March 28, 6:00 pm:
Flock meeting continuing the study of the Gospel of John, facilitated by Tom Gabbert at the home of Bill & Artie Wilkins.
*Friday, April 2, 7:00 pm:
Special Good Friday observation in the main auditorium
*Sunday, April 4, 10:45 am - Easter!
Sunday School this morning will be replaced with a time of fellowship. Easter Breakfast will be served in the Fellowship Hall.
Kids for the Lord
Just a note to let parents know that your children will be singing on Easter morning. Since there will be no Kids for the Lord class that morning, the children will be dismissed to sit with their parents or grandparents following their songs.Thank you, Your Kids for the Lord Leaders
Prayer Opportunities
Family of the Week
Missionary of the Month
Mar 20, 2010
It Is Well With My Soul
For many Christians, a life characterized by God’s peace seems out of reach. It’s a great goal, but it never seems to materialize. It seems possible on Sunday, but when Monday rolls around, it’s just doesn’t happen. Life is just too hectic. Thankfully, the Bible reminds us that peace and harmony can be the rule rather than the exception.
It’s helpful to know over the last 5,500 years of recorded history, only about 290 years have known a time when there was no war. What an amazing statistic! Peace and harmony have not been the norm; war, hostility and aggression have dominated our human existence. So does it surprise us that in our own experience, conflict, fear and frustration dominate our emotions?
Our hymn helps us find an answer to our dilemma, for it takes us to God, the author of peace. Mr. Spafford, the author of our hymn reminds us that life’s storms emanate from the author of discord and disagreement, Satan. But despite Satan’s attacks, Jesus Christ "hath regarded my helpless estate", that is, Christ knows everything about our lives, regardless of how insignificant we may feel. And He loves us!
The power of the love of Jesus Christ is incredible—you just have to focus your mind, that is your intellect and your emotion—on Christ and let Him do His work in your life. It sounds simple—and it really is! As you focus on Christ, you exchange your own attitudes—that is, your fear and frustration—for that of Christ. And then peace will be the reality, not the negative emotions conveyed by Satan and his evil helpers.
You are in a battle. But the Prince of Peace is on your side. Your conscience can be clear. Godly living can be the rule, not the exception. As you focus on the words of this hymn, remember that Jesus Christ can take your sin—the source of your frustration—and eliminate it completely. Your sin has been nailed to the cross. You will sin again, but confess it and then claim the cross of Christ as your sign of victory. Satan has no power over you. Only when you neglect to focus on Christ do Satan’s forces have influence over you!
So, sing this hymn—and memorize Phillipians 4:7. It may take 7 days to learn, but instead of frustration, you will know peace and contentment. It will be "well with your soul!"
Horatio G. Spafford was a successful businessman in Chicago in the late 1860s, heavily invested in real estate along the shores of Lake Michigan. The disastrous Chicago fire of 1871 wiped out his holdings. He immediately worked to rebuild the city and assist the many that were left homeless.
In 1873 he arranged to take his family to Europe. He was close to D.L. Moody and Ira Sankey and planned to attend their evangelistic meetings in England, then take a vacation. At the last minute, urgent business kept him home, but he sent his wife and four daughters ahead on the S.S. Ville du Havre, planning to soon follow. The night of November 22, 1873, the Ville du Havre, was struck by an English iron sailing vessel, the Lochearn. The ship sank in 12 minutes. Of the 273 people on board, only 47 of them survived. Mrs. Spafford was found nearly unconscious, clinging to a piece of the wreckage. Their four daughters did not survive. When she reached Cardiff, Wales, she cabled home, "Saved alone, what shall I do?"
Grief-stricken, Horatio immediately started to Europe to join his wife. En route, the captain pointed out the place where he believed the Ville du Havre had gone down. Returning to his cabin, he wrote, "It is well; the will of God be done." He later wrote the hymn "It Is Well with My Soul", based on these words.
Although Spafford in his hymn tells of the comfort that God gives, no matter the circumstance, he does not dwell on tragedy. In the third stanza he directs our attention on Christ’s redemptive work on the cross, and in stanza four, anticipates His Second Coming. As we through faith understand these things, we too can say, "It is well with my soul."
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
Used with permission:
Something to think about...
Mar 18, 2010
Missions Update from Chris Hardy
Hello Prayer Partners,
What a beautiful Spring day in Michigan. I hope you are enjoying the warm weather and a strong sense of the Lord’s presence today. Here’s an update of what has been going on with us and the ministry of Relational Life Ministries.
1) Last month I mentioned the first of the small groups was in the process of starting. I met with the three neighbors I told you about in the last update and with a fourth neighbor a couple weeks later. As a result of the first meeting, I have started exercising with the guy next door and have been getting to know him better. He mentioned that his wife would like to get together with Julia and me to hear more about the outreach of RLM. Please keep praying for open doors for spiritual conversations and, eventually, to more in-depth Bible study.
2) I did attend the meeting of the folks in their 20s and 30s who are very interested in relational evangelism. It was an encouraging evening. I would like to go back, but their meeting time conflicts with another commitment I have on Monday. This commitment will be ending in early May and then I should be able to return to get and give encouragement and prayer with a like-minded group of people.
3) Continue to pray for me as I develop an equipping seminar to help people learn how to engage in relational evangelism. I have a better idea of the content, I just need to put it together in presentation form. I am hoping to have it completed by the end of April. I’ll send you all more information so you can attend and invite others from your church or small group to come as well. Also, be looking for more information about a new RLM website and blog.
4) We still need your prayers for our finances. Pledged support remains at 33% of our budget. I will be looking for a part-time job in the next couple of weeks both to supplement our income and meet people in the work place in order to seek opportunities to share Christ’s love with them.
5) Please pray for our kids. Ben & Angie have put an offer on a different house than the one I mentioned last month. They like it better and is out in the country about 8 miles from our place in Ypsilanti. Ask the Lord to guide the inspectors and lenders so all goes according to His plan for them. Nathanael has applied to Grace College (where Beth attends). The acceptance letter (we hope) is waiting for him on our mail table. Pray for him as he continues to go through this process, especially for good roommates and a nice financial aid package. Beth had a malformed tooth extracted today and is not feeling very well, but maybe a visit from her new boyfriend (a nice young man she met at our new church) will cheer her up. Please pray for her dental health - this is just the first step in a year long process of getting a dental implant to replace the malformed tooth - and for her relationship with Mark. Ask the Lord to give them wisdom as they seek His will. Rachel is graduating from our home school in May, but wants to take classes locally for a year before going on to Belhaven University in Mississippi to study dance. Please pray that we will have the wisdom to know which courses she should take next fall and at which local college.
Thanks again for your faithful intercession for us. We’ll keep you up-to-date as the Lord starts to answer these requests.
Mar 16, 2010
Something to think about...
Mar 15, 2010
Downriver Christian Library Newsletter
January 13, 2010 Newsletter
Dear Friends,
Reading has long been an important part of my life. If you'll look around the building that houses the Christian Library, you will see that this importance is exemplified not only by the books, but also in the businesses here and the pictures scattered throughout the building.
It has been exciting to learn that books have been an important part of history, including the history of God's chosen people, the Jews. They have become known as the "people of the book." It's exciting to know that God revealed Himself through the written word as well as through His Son, Jesus, the Word incarnate.
We have a pamphlet in the library that was given to me a number of years ago entitled: Books, God's tools in the history of salvation. It contains fascinating stories of people down through the centuries who have been influenced to become Christians through reading books.
Thank you for your part in supporting the Christian Library this past year. Because of your donations, we have been able to continue. We are loaning books out, helping people who are studying for classes, providing a quiet place for study, and giving books to other Christian organizations including a homeless shelter and prison ministry.
May God richly bless you in 2010.
Joann Bowman
Sunday, Monday & Friday - Closed
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday - 1:00 - 7:00 pm
Saturday, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Join the people sharing Christian books!
Ask how you can support this unique ministry.
Volunteer - can you spare an hour?
Pledge - can you share a dollar?
Pray - can you share your heart?
Mar 14, 2010
Sunday Bulletin, March 14, 2010
Last week, Bill led us in a study of the parables of the leaven and mustard seed. These parables teach us that within the professing Church throughout the world, there are many people who are not actually children of God by faith. As a result, the Church should remain faithful in preaching the Gospel.
If you or someone you know is interested in, or struggling with these issues, we invite you to our Wednesday night class beginning March 24 at 6:30 pm. Under the direction of Kevin Godin, we will examine each of the major Christian positions on these and related issues, dealing with the Grace of God in saving us, and we will evaluate each of them, based upon a study of the biblical passages used to support them.
Recognizing that these can be confusing and controversial topics to study, we will examine them at a pace that allows for questions and input from the class. We sincerely hope you'll join us and that you'll invite others to this time of study.
-Sunday School for all ages in the Fellowship Hall & Classrooms
-Kids for the Lord Children's Church, Grades 1-6, Downstairs
-Adult Worship Service in the main auditorium
-Infant Nursery Upstairs
-Toddlers & Pre Schoolers Downstairs
-Team KIDz for grades 1-6 in the Fellowship Hall
-Adult Bible Study & Prayer Meeting, in the Signs of Life Room Upstairs
-Infant Nursery Upstairs
Special Activities at G.B.C.
New Members Class, taught by Wayne Sourbeck, prospective members welcome
Elders Meeting
Craig McGlassion concludes his study on the life of Samson
*Tuesday, March 23, 6:30 pm:
Our church hosts Southgate Right to Life in the Fellowship Hall. RTL Field Representative Michelle Burke will show a Powerpoint presentation entitled "The Life of a People," and Acting President Lynn Bolton will lead discussion on maximizing pro-life influence in our community.
Prayer Opportunities
Family of the Week
Serge & Galle Dale & Family
Missionary of the Month
Larry & Virginia Hubbard - New Beginnings Prison Ministry
Mar 13, 2010
New Beginnings Prison Ministry
Dear Pastor and Fellow Laborers in Christ:
It is because of folks like you that have a part in the financial support of New Beginnings Prison Ministries, we are able to go and reach inmates for the Lord and then disciple them as well. Following are a few letters from the inmates expressing what they feel about the Bible Study Course that they are now taking from us.
*(Thank Jesus). First I want to say that I am truly sorry for the act I committed which lead me to this correctional facility. I pray that Jesus forgives me for breaking a commandment. I know I am a sinner and I want to change, not only myself but my life style as well. This is easy to say but very hard to do. I pray for guidance every day. I pray to be united with my wife so that we can live our lives as the scripture says. These I have witness and I ask in requesting that you help me with prayer. In Jesus Name (AMEN).
J.S. - Inmate
*May God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ bless all of you, always, for the work you do. For it truly was a blessing to get the lesson from you. At the time I was reading and studying the Word. (AMEN) I would like to say Thank You for loving us. May God open new doors for the Ministries At New Beginnings.
R.T. - Inmate
*Dear Sister Hubbard,
Hello, God bless you Sister. I understand now that Satan is the god of this world. I thank you for your help with these lessons. Because I want to help others understand the importance of being saved and living Holy lives unto the Lord. When I go home I am going to keep in touch with you. You have been a blessing in my life and I just want you to know that. Thank You Sister Hubbard.
Sincerely, Sister J.
P.S. May the Peace of Our Lord and Savior forever be with you!
Our Bible Correspondence Course has grown to over 1500 men and women involved that are incarcerated throughout the United States. The only text book needed for doing the study is the King James Bible.
We covet your faithful prayers and financial support, for that is what keeps this Ministry going. Thank You and God Bless.
Larry and Virginia Hubbard Sr.
Mar 12, 2010
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
But now you have been returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls."
2 Peter 2:25
Prone to wander, Lord I feel it,
prone to leave the God I love (from the 3rd stanza of our hymn…)
William Cowper was a well-known minister and hymn writer. (Among the hymns he wrote are "There is a fountain filled with blood" and "God moves in a mysterious way".) Yet, he had wandered. He wrote these words,
Where is the blessedness I knew when first I saw the Lord?
Where is the soul-refreshing view of Jesus and His Word?
What peaceful hours I once enjoyed how sweet their memory still,
But they have left an aching void the world can never fill.
And so have many of us. Some have wandered by flirting with false teaching. Even in the early church, St. Peter warned that "false teachers…will secretly introduce false heresies." 2 Peter 2:1
Others wander by adopting a lifestyle that is at odds with God’s requirements. Recall the sorry story of the prodigal son. And then, think of one of the saddest sentences in the Bible: "Demas, because he loved this world has deserted me having loved this present world…" 2 Timothy 4:10.
And unfortunately, some have wandered from God taking both roads.
Thank God that Jesus came to seek and to save the lost—and the wandering. Remember the shepherd who left the 99 sheep to hunt, even at great peril to himself, the one who had wandered. Remember the woman who had lost a precious coin and would not stop searching until she found it?
The comic strip "Dennis the Menace" features a young boy constantly at odds with Mr. Wilson. Dennis says to his friend Joey, "Don’t ever play hide and seek with Mr. Wilson. "He doesn’t seek!" Thankfully, God does!
The dearest idol I have known, whate’er that idol be,
Help me to tear it from thy throne, so shall my walk be close with God…
William Cowper knew the joy of being found—and restored. And so can we! But, the most obvious question is: why would any of us "be prone to wander?" For as we know, it only brings grief. Why?
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it, Seal it for thy courts above.
Hymn Story:
Robert Robinson, following the tradition of ministers of the time, wrote "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing" as a hymn-poem for the conclusion of his sermon for Whitsunday, 1758. He was 23 years old at the time. It was published the following year in A Collection of Hymns used by the Church of Christ in Angel Alley, Bishopsgate (1759). There has been some speculation that it was written by the Countess of Huntingdon, but it is generally agreed to be the work of Robinson.
Originally "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing" had four stanzas. The fourth stanza was omitted by Martin Madan in Psalms and Hymns, 1860 and has not been used since.
The statement in stanza two, "Here I raise my Ebenezer" refers to I Samuel 7:12, "Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen, and called its name Ebenezer, saying, "Thus far the LORD has helped us." Ebenezer is the Hebrew for "Stone of Help." Israel had suffered defeat because of its sin. But the people had repented of their sin, God had helped them and they were victorious. Samuel placed the stone to remind Israel that God had them, their victory was because of Him.
In stanza three, Robinson speaks of being "prone to wonder, prone to leave the God I love". This seems to be a forecast of his later life, when he lapsed into sin, unstableness and involvement with Unitarianism. There is a well-known story of Robinson, riding a stagecoach with a lady who was deeply engrossed in a hymnbook. Seeking to encourage him, she asked him what he thought of the hymn she was humming. Robinson burst into tears and said, "Madam, I am the poor unhappy man who wrote that hymn many years ago, and I would give a thousand worlds, if I had them, to enjoy the feelings I had then."
Come, Thou Fount of every blessing,
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
Call for songs of loudest praise.
Teach me some melodious sonnet,
Sung by flaming tongues above.
Praise the mount! I’m fixed upon it,
Mount of God's redeeming love.
Here I raise mine Ebenezer;
Hither by Thy help I’m come;
And I hope, by Thy good pleasure,
Safely to arrive at home.
Jesus sought me when a stranger,
Wandering from the fold of God;
He, to rescue me from danger,
Interposed His precious blood.
O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I’m constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above.
Original 4th stanza
O that day when freed from sinning,
I shall see Thy lovely face;
Clothed then in blood washed linen
How I’ll sing Thy sovereign grace;
Come, my Lord, no longer tarry,
Take my ransomed soul away;
Send thine angels now to carry
Me to realms of endless day.
Used with permission
Dan & Laurie Fuller
Mar 7, 2010
Church Bulletin, Sunday, March 7, 2010
Guest Speaker
Our guest speaker this morning is Bill Connell II, oldest son of our pastor and his wife. Bill, wife Kelly, and children Alex, Fisher and Kathryn, make their home in Van Buren Township. Bill is a deacon in his home church, Berean Baptist, in Livonia, and has been doing extensive study in the parables for some time.
The Doctrines of Grace
At some point in our studies, all Christians must struggle with the concepts of God's perfect standard for our lives, and our relationship to Him as sinners. If salvation is by grace through faith alone, then what are we required to do, if anything? Why so some believe and others do not? What does the Bible mean when it speaks of election and predestination? How does the free will of humans relate to God's sovereign control and plan?
If you or someone you know is interested in, or struggling with these issues, we invite you to our Wednesday night class beginning March 17 at 6:30 pm. Under the direction of Kevin Godin, we will examine each of the major Christian positions on these and related issues, dealing with the Grace of God in saving us, and we will evaluate each of them, based upon a study of the biblical passages used to support them.
Recognizing that these can be confusing and controversial topics to study, we will examine them at a pace that allows for questions and input from the class. We sincerely hope you'll join us and that you'll invite others to this time of study.
A Heartfelt Thank You!
One of our missionaries, Jody Dillow, has sent the following note of appreciation to a very gracious supporter of his ministry, Biblical Education through Extension (BEE).
*Every Sunday, 9:45 am:
*Every Sunday, 10:45 am:
*Every Wednesday, 6:30-8:00 pm:
First meeting of New Members Class, taught by Wayne Sourbeck
*Tuesday, March 16, 7:00 pm:
*Wednesday, March 17, 6:30 pm:
Prayer Opportunities
Family of the Week
Missionary of the Month
Mar 6, 2010
Something to think about....
Mar 4, 2010
Westside Christian Academy News
All Tournament
The following Westside Christian Academy football players were named National Association of Christian Athletes Football Division II Championship All-Tournament Players:
*Senior linebacker and fullback Kelly Williams
*Senior wide receiver and defensive end Nate Bearden
*Senior linebacker Michael Jones
*Senior guard Kris Williams
*Senior center and defensive tackle Dwayne Denham
*Offensive player of the tournament: Junior quarterback Tora Anthony, Jr.
The Warriors delivered a 12-0 first-year record, bringing home state and national trophies. Westside won the National Association of Christian Athletes Football Division of Christian Athletes Football Division II Championship Tournament, earlier this month in Dayton, TN., with a 15-6 win over Florida Christian Institute of Fort Myers, Fla.
"It's one of those stories where we had a lot of obstacles to overcome," said Ounanian, who most call Pastor O. Getting $6,000 for uniforms was one hurdle and those uniforms didn't arrive until two days before the Warriors first game.
"Really we spent more like $12,000, with all the travel and everything else," said Ounanian on Saturday night, watching parents and some of the schools 160 students fill the gym for a celebration. Just outside the gym doors, nearly all 34 of the schools first-ever football players waited for the signal to dash, one at a time, through a gauntlet of pompom-waving cheerleaders while parents snapped photos. Christian hiphop music blared and joyful noises rose up from the cheerleaders.
The football players looked shy and happy while listening to speakers. But when Coach Sean Tarrant took the podium, he made little comment About the two glistening trophies or the row of medals intended for the players. Instead, he talked about character.
"Pastor O. is the only white boy that came into my Detroit neighborhood when I was a boy," he said. The two met when Tarrant was just 14, feeling the effects of living with his grandmother, mother and sisters. "Pastor O. said I would be a leader. He told me something no man had ever told me before."
Eighteen months ago, Ounanian hired Tarrant, now 42, to be dean of students and teach Westside's physical education, health and Bible classes.
"The Warriors are ... about building character so you can be the best fathers, best husbands and best men in the community," Tarrant said.
He promised that at least nine of the team's 12 seniors were eligible for some kind of college scholarship, partly because they set a goal early in the season to raise individual grade point averages to 3.0. Tarrant pointed to players in quick succession to rise as he announced their grade point averages. He singled out senior defensive end and offensive tackle Rodney Williams, who went from barely a 2.0 to a 3.8 "and he hasn't stopped. He's been grooving in class because his mind is made up," Tarant said.
William Mallory, president of Westside's booster club also praised Williams, who scored a nomination for a Rudy Award, given to inspiring middle and high school or college football players who inspire others. The award is named for Daniel.
"Rudy" Ruettinger, whose quest to play football for Notre Dame University resulted in a single play, but he sacked the quarterback. His dream is the subject of the film "Rudy."
Mallory became a Westside booster to support his son, sophomore wide receiver and corner back Nicholas Sweat-Alford, No. 28 on the team.
"Coach Tarrant taught me to never give up, to keep pushing myself," Sweat-Alford said.
Mallory said a $1,200 grant from the Detroit Lions lifted team spirits as well as the bank balance.
More importantly, he told the crowd, each player found in the Warriors a host of fathers and many brothers.
Mary Chavez-Thedford, junior quarterback, Tora Anthony's mother, read from a prepared statement, telling the crowd her son was so happy to finally play football because "he has six sisters at home, no brothers, and he was actually allowed to tackle."
But when she nearly died after a mis-carriage during the summer, Anthony got into trouble. She considered pulling him from the team. His coaches intervened, becoming "very strict dads that would help keep in check ... The burden of worry over my son's future has lifted," she said. "It's a good day to be a Warrior."
She said the young man who hadn't had a good review from teachers since fifth grade has turned around and is now sharing his parents' and coaches' advice with fellow students.
Guest speaker Steven McGhee, principal of The University of Central Preparatory High School in Detroit made a rousing speech, challenged the players to "be the light" for themselves, their families and community.
"When they tell you it can't be done, smile and think of Westside Christian Academy, because you saw something come out of nothing."
Article written by Peg McNichol, Detroit Daily Press sports writer
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Mar 1, 2010
March Birthdays & Anniversaries
Toddler Nursery Schedule
March 7 - Nancy Connell
April 4 - Karen Roelofs
May 2 - Rachel Norman