Feb 28, 2010

Church Bulletin, Sunday, Feb. 28, 2010

Sermon by Pastor Bill Connell
"The Party Parables - The Belligerent Guests"
Matthew 22:1-14

Our sermon today is the third from a collection of stories on a common theme, stories that were taught by Jesus. Pastor Bill calls this collection of stories "The Party Parables".

The first parable, about arrogant guests, focused on the necessity of humility in our relationships. The second parable, about indifferent guests, focused on the importance of responding to the call - the invitation - from God, to each of us.

Today, the third parable will examine belligerent guests, because when they were invited, they turned hostile toward the messengers, and even killed them.

Two hand-outs were given to those in attendance at Grace Bible Church this morning. If you missed today's service and would like to receive copies of these hand-outs, please contact the church office at 734-282-0115.


New Members Class

A membership class is being formed, and will begin next Sunday, March 7, during the Sunday School hour. If you would like to find out much more about what we believe and how our church functions, please contact Wayne Sourbeck or Pastor Bill a.s.a.p. so that materials can be prepared for you in advance. Thank you.


The Doctrines of Grace

At some point in our studies, all Christians must struggle with the concepts of God's perfect standard for our lives, and our relationship to Him as sinners. If salvation is by grace through faith alone, then what are we required to do, if anything? Why do some believe, and others do not? What does the Bible mean when it speaks of election and predestination? How does the free will of humans relate to God's sovereign control and plan?

If you or someone you know is interested in, or struggling with these issues, we invite you to our Wednesday night class beginning in mid-March. Under the direction of Kevin Godin, we will examine each of the major Christian positions on these and related issues, dealing with the Grace of God in saving us, and we will evaluate each of them, based upon a study of the biblical passages used to support them.

Recognizing that these can be confusing and controversial topics to study, we will examine them at a pace that allows for questions and input from the class.


Regular Services at Grace Bible Church

*Every Sunday, 9:45 am:
Sunday School for all ages in the Fellowship Hall & Classrooms

*Every Sunday, 10:45 am:
-Kids for the Lord Children's Church, Grades 1-6, Downstairs
-Adult Worship Service in the main auditorium
-Infant Nursery Upstairs
-Toddlers & Pre-Schoolers Downstairs

*Every Wednesday, 6:30 - 8:00 pm:
-Team KIDz for Grades 1-6 in the Fellowship Hall
-Adult Bible Study & Prayer Meeting, in the Signs of Life Room
*Infant Nursery upstairs

Special Activities at G.B.C.

*Today, 6:00 pm:
Flock meets at the home of Pastor Bill & Nancy. Tom Gabbert will facilitate in the study of the Gospel of John.

*Sunday, March 7
9:45 am - First meeting of the New Members Class
10:45 am - Communion with Elder Craig McGlassion and Guest Speaker Bill Connell II.

*Wednesday, March 17, 6:30 pm:
New Bible study begins: The Doctrine of Grace with teacher Kevin Godin


Prayer Opportunities

Family of the week
Ron & Colleen Parrish & Family

Missionary of the Month
Dan & Laurie Fuller, New Tribes Mission


Feb 26, 2010

2010 Annual Business Meeting

The GBC 2010 Annual Meeting & Dinner was a great success. The church provided "broasted chicken" and the ladies of the church provided all of the side dishes. Approximately 60 were in attendance.

Thankfully we didn't have any " fowl " weather or we wouldn't have been able to " pullet " it off. Craig, who knows his " drumsticks, " said the "chicken" was good, and was later seen with Huston "ham"-ing it up! And that's no "yoke."

The Godins provided child care for the "featherweights". Pastor Connell started the " pecking" order reviewing the past years blessings. Everett, who had a "leg up" followed, he didn't have to "wing it", because as always, Crystal had prepared all of the budget info, "stuffing" it with every "kernel" of detail.

Nobody got their" feathers ruffled" and there was even an occasional "cackle." Before everyone "flew the coop," Pastor closed in prayer. In summary I guess you could say the meeting started and ended with a "wing and a prayer." "Omelet" you all go now & thanks for your help.

Everett & Jacque

Feb 21, 2010

Sunday Bulletin, Feb. 21, 2010

Compassion - difficult to give away because it keeps coming back.

Sermon by Pastor Bill Connell:
"The Party Parables, Part 2 - The Indifferent Guests"
Luke 12:15-24
Our sermon today, found in Luke 14, comes from a collection of stories on a common theme that were taught by Jesus. Pastor Bill has titled this collection "The Party Parables".

Last week, we looked at the "Parable of the Arrogant Guest," also in Luke 14. That parable was essentially instruction from our Lord on the need to humble ourselves. Ultimately, everyone will be humbled. Either we choose to humble ourselves, and reap the benefits, or we will be humbled at some point against our will.

Today we are going to examine the "Parable of the Indifferent Guests." To listen to sermons on line, please go to our web site: http://www.gracebiblesouthgate.org/ and click on Recent Sermons.

Annual Business Meeting - Today
The Constitution of Grace Bible Church requires that the term of an elder be three years, and as a result, three of our elders are scheduled to step down this month: Wayne Sourbeck, Everett Sollars and Craig McGlassion.

However, to better serve the congregation, the elders believe one elders term should be extended one year. As a result, a ballot will be presented at today's meeting that will read: "In compliance with Article 7l02 in the Grace Bible Church Constitution, the elders are requesting that the term of Craig McGlassion be extended by one year. Do you support this request?" Church members present will be asked to vote YES or NO.

This year's meeting will once again include a meal. The church will be providing the main dish of broasted chicken and the beverages. We are asking that each family bring a generous portion (enough to feed 8-10) of your choice of 2 of the following sides: Pasta, Potato, Vegetable or Dessert. If you have questions, please see Everett & Jacque Sollars.


New Members Class

A membership class is being formed, to begin during the Sunday School hour on March 7. If you would like to find out more about what we believe and how our church functions, please contact Wayne Sourbeck or Pastor Bill as soon as possible so materials can be prepared for you in advance. Thank you!


Elder Meeting Update

Among other decisions made in the recent Elder meeting, it was decided that the church would procure several more portable tables for multi-purpose use.


Regular Services at Grace Bible Church

*Every Sunday, 9:45 am
Sunday School for all ages in the Fellowship Hall and Classrooms

*Every Sunday, 10:45 am:
-Kids for the Lord Children's Church, Grades 1-6, Downstairs
-Adult Worship Service in the main auditorium
-Infant Nursery Upstairs
-Toddlers & Pre Schoolers Downstairs

*Every Wednesday, 6:30-8:00 pm:
-TeamKIDz for Grades 1-6 in the Fellowship Hall
-Adult Bible Study & Prayer Meeting, in the Signs of Life Room
-Infant Nursery Upstairs

Special Activities at G.B.C.

*Today, following Morning Worship
All Church Dinner, followed by the Annual Business Meeting. All are welcome!

*Sunday, Feb. 28, 6:00 pm:
Flock meets at the home of Pastor Bill & Nancy, with Tom Gabbert facilitating the study of the Gospel of John.

*Sunday, March 7
-9:45 am - First meeting of the New Members Class
-10:45 am - Communion with Elder Craig McGlassion and a Guest Speaker


Prayer Opportunities

Family of the Week
Carol Barry

Missionary of the Month
Dan & Laurie Fuller, New Tribes Mission


A report on the Bible as seen through the eyes of a child ...

"In the beginning, which occurred near the start, there was nothing but God, darkness and some gas. The Bible says "The Lord thy God is one", but I think He must be a lot older than that. Anyway, God said "Give me a light!" and someone did. Then God made the world. He split the Adam and made Eve.
Adam and Eve were naked, but they weren't embarrassed because mirrors hadn't been invented yet."


Feb 14, 2010

Sunday Bulletin, Feb. 14, 2010


Sermon by Pastor Bill Connell
"The Party Parables, Part 1"
Luke 14

Our sermon today, found in Luke 14, comes from a collection of stories that were taught by Jesus.

We have been looking at a number of Jesus' stories in the last few weeks, seeking instruction for our lives today. The themes we have considered so far are:

1. The Hidden Treasure - we should dedicate ourselves to the most important thing in life: the Gospel.
2. The Samaritan - we should serve the very ones in life who are most challenging to serve.
3. The Widow & Unjust Judge - we should persevere in prayer, despite all.
4. The Friend at Midnight - we should be shamefully bold in asking God for those things He places on our hearts.
5. The Pharisee & Tax Gatherer - we should humble ourselves before God in prayer

Annual Business Meeting - Feb. 21

The Constitution of Grace Bible Church requires that the term of an elder be three years;
and as a result, three of our elders are scheduled to step down this month:
Wayne Sourbeck, Everett Sollars and Craig McGlassion.

However, to better serve the congregation, the elders believe one elders term should
be extended one year. As a result, a ballot will be presented at next Sunday's meeting that will read: "In compliance with Article 7l02 in the Grace Bible Church Constitution, the elders are requesting that the term of Craig McGlassion be extended by one year. Do you support this request?" Church members present will be asked to vote YES or NO.

This year's meeting will once again include a meal. The church will be providing the main dish of broasted chicken and also the beverages. We are asking that each family bring a generous portion (enough to feed 8-10) of your choice of 2 of the following sides: Pasta, Potato, Vegetable or a Dessert. If you have any questions please see Jacque or Everett Sollars.


New Members Class
A membership class is being formed, to begin during the Sunday School hour on March 7. If you would like to find out much more about what we believe and how our church functions, please contact Wayne Sourbeck or Pastor Bill a.s.a.p., so materials can be prepared in advance of this class. Thank you.


Regular Services at Grace Bible Church

*Every Sunday, 9:45 am:
Sunday School for all ages in the Fellowship Hall & Classrooms
*Every Sunday, 10:45 am:
-Kids for the Lord Children's Church, Grades 1-6, Downstairs
-Adult Worship Service in the main auditorium
-Infant Nursery Upstairs
-Toddlers & Pre Schoolers Downstairs


Special Activities at G.B.C.

*Tuesday, Feb. 16, 7:00 pm:
Elders Meetings - rescheduled from last week
*Sunday, Feb. 21, following Morning Worship
All Church Dinner, followed by Annual Business Meeting.
All are welcome!
*Sunday, March 7:
-9:45 am - First meeting of the New Members Class
-10:45 am - Communion with Elder Craig McGlassion


Prayer Opportunities

Family of the Week
Kina Robinson

Missionary of the Month
Dan & Laurie Fuller
New Tribes Mission


Southgate Right to Life

Southgate Right to Life has requested that a member of our congregation volunteer to represent Grace Bible Church at a monthly meeting. Our representative would then become a conduit of information from our church to S.R.T.L., and vice versa. If this responsibility appeals to you, or if you have questions, please speak to Pastor Bill about it. Thank you.


Feb 7, 2010

Sunday Bulletin, Feb. 7, 2010

Sermon by Pastor Bill Connell
"The Ultimate Contrast"
Luke 18:9-14

Communion Service with Elder Rob Roelofs

Annual Business Meeting, Sunday, Feb. 21
*Note date change*

In addition to reviewing the reports from 2009, and discussing the annual budget for 2010, there will be one ballot presented to members for a YES or NO response.

The ballot will read: "In compliance with Article 7.02 in the Grace Bible Church Constitution, the elders are requesting that the term of Craig McGlassion be extended by one year. Do you support this request?"

This year's meeting will once again include a meal. The church will be providing the main dish of broasted chicken and the beverages. We are asking that each family bring a generous portion (enough to feed 8-10) of your choice of 2 of the following sides: Pasta, Potato, Vegetable or Dessert. If you have any questions, please see Jacque or Everett Sollars.

New Members Class
A member class is being formed, to begin this month. If you would like to find out much more about what we believe and how our church functions, please contact Wayne Sourbeck or Pastor Bill a.s.a.p.

-Mickie Davis-

One of our senior saints, Mickie Davis, was received into glory on Friday, Jan. 29. Mickie had been a member of Grace Bible Church from the day it was founded, and was active for many years in many areas of church life. She was particularly fond of music, and sang in the choir for many years.

We will miss our sister until we see her again, even while we rejoice for her that she entered the joy of her Lord.

Regular Services at Grace Bible Church

*Every Sunday, 9:45 am:
Sunday School for all ages in the Fellowship Hall & Classrooms
*Every Sunday, 10:45 am:
-Kids for the Lord Children's Church, Grades 1-6, downstairs
-Adult Worship Service in the main auditorium
-Infant Nursery Upstairs
-Toddlers & Pre-schoolers Downstairs

*Every Wednesday, 6:30 - 8:00 pm:
-Team KIDz for Grades 1-6 in the Fellowship Hall
-Adult Bible Study & Prayer Meeting, held in the Signs of Life Room
-Infant Nursery Upstairs


Special Activities at G.B.C.

*Today, 6:00 pm:
Flock Bible Study in the Gospel of John, led by Tom Gabbert,
at the home of Wayne & Linda Sourbeck.

*Tuesday, Feb. 9, 7:00 pm:
Elders Meeting

*Sunday, Feb. 21
Annual Meeting & Church Dinner following Morning Worship
All are welcome!


Prayer Opportunities

Family of the Week
Dan & LaShawn Toma

Missionary of the Month
Dan & Laurie Fuller
New Tribes Mission


New Church Directories

At long last our new directories are completed! Take your copy, located at the Welcome Table in the Foyer, as you leave today. Please take just one copy per family at time time. Thank you.

Feb 1, 2010

Nursery Schedule

Toddler & Pre School Nursery Schedule

Feb. 7 - Rachel Norman
Feb. 14 - Harmony King
Feb. 21 - Karen Roelofs
Feb. 28 - Beth Godin

March 7 - Nancy Connell
March 14 - Kelly McKee
March 21 - Rachel Norman
March 28 - Harmony King

April 4 - Karen Roelofs
April 11 - Beth Godin
April 18 - Nancy Connell
April 25 - Kelly McKee

February Birthdays & Anniversaries

Everett Sollars - Feb. 8
Clyde Moore - Feb. 20
Linda Gosline - Feb. 21
Travis Parrish - Feb. 28

Tom & Jan Royal - Feb. 7